
Resource Centre


Introducing COVID Resilient Zone CRZ

Skål International
mai 2020 — 16375 Vues Webinar


Coronavirus Awareness

Skål International
mai 2020 — 15296 Vues Course


The future in the events organisation

Skål International
mai 2020 — 16971 Vues Webinar


UNWTO COVID-19 Response

Skål International
mai 2020 — 16821 Vues Webinar


Building a Sustainable Career in Tourism and Travel

Skål International
mai 2020 — 16454 Vues Podcast


Repenser le Tourisme du futur. Explorer les clés du changement

Skål International
mai 2020 — 18444 Vues Webinar

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À propos de nous

Skål International is a professional organisation from the tourism leaders around the world promoting global networking and friendship. It is the only International association uniting all branches of the travel and tourism industry.
