Skål Club of the Year

Skål International, with  more than 12049 members, entailing of industry’s Managers and Executives, meet at Local, National, Regional and International levels to do business among friends throughout  more than 304 Skål Clubs along 83 countries.

Skål International annually convenes the Skål International Club of the Year Award, aimed at public recognition of those clubs that have stood out for their activity inside and outside the organisation, as well as for their work under the values of Skål International.

The Skål International Club of the Year Award are governed by the following rules:

Who may enter?

All Skål Clubs worldwide that meet all the requirements listed below. Headquarters carries on a thorough revision to determine the eligible Clubs each year, who are then invited to participate in the Skål Club of the Year Award. 

Qualifying requirements

1. Payment of annual international membership fees made by the Club by 28 February.

2. Net increase of 10% in membership or a minimum of 10 new members for Clubs with more than 100 members. Young Skål Students will not be counted in the growth calculation (from 1 April 2023 to 30 April of current year). 

3. Voting delegate at two Skål International Annual General Assemblies in the past five years.  

4. Contribution to the Florimond Volckaert Fund (from 1 January 2023 to 30 April of current year).

5. Contribution to the Membership Development Fund (From 1 January 2023 to 30 April of current year).

6. That the Club is active in at least one social media platform such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. 

7. That the Club has adopted the Skål Branding with the new corporate identity logo. 


The eligible Clubs will be invited to produce a 2:30 minutes video outlining their achievements, initiatives to recruit or retain their membership, promote the Skål brand or their charity and sustainable functions undertaken from 1 January to 31 December 2023. Deadline for submission of this video: 17 July 2024.


 Accredited clubs will be invited to vote electronically for the Skål Club of the Year in the same ballot as the annual elections of officers of Skål International.

Clubs with up to 65 Active/Life/Retired/Young Skål Professional members will be entitled to one vote and those with 66 or more Active/Life/Retired/Young Skål Professional, will have two votes.

The voting process will be conducted on Election Buddy.

Instructions concerning the link to vote will be the same as for the AGA voting matters and appropriate information will be sent to clubs in due course.

A panel of judges representing the Executive Board will also participate in the voting. Suppose a Club from a country of one of the jury members is among the Clubs nominated to compete. In that case, another member of the EB will deputize in order of seniority.

The Club that gets the highest combined score following vote by the Clubs and the Executive Board will be declared ‘Skål Club of the Year 2023/2024'.

Award Ceremony

The Skål Club of the Year Award ceremony will take place during the Opening Ceremony of the 83rd Skål World Congress in Izmir, Türkiye, on 17 October 2024.
The winner will be presented with the "Michael O'Flynn" Perpetual Trophy and a certificate valid for a free Double Congress registration in First Class for the 2025 Skål World Congress. Airfare excluded.  

SKÅL INTERNATIONAL NAIROBI was proud to be declared "Skål Club of the Years 2022/2023". Have a look at their presentation here

Timeline 2024 for the "Skål Club of the Year" 

15 MAY

Eligible Clubs are invited to participate

17 july 

Deadline for submission of videos to Headquarters


Online voting period by Clubs worldwide

Official announcement of the winner

For more information or questions, please contact                                                                                    
Take a look at the Club winners over the years and discover wonderful destinations to visit!